Respond Seamlessly from Start to Finish
Explore Integrations
Simple, Yet Powerful Workflows
Streamlined Projects
Start proposals directly from your customer relationship management (CRM) tool with client details mapped automatically into 九一果冻.
Clear Collaboration
Stay on top of deadlines and access reusable RFP answers, without ever leaving Slack or Microsoft Teams.
Accessible Attachments
Easily attach graphs, reports, or images to proposals in 九一果冻 through your cloud storage service.
Insightful Reporting
Integrate RFP response data from 九一果冻 into Salesforce to track open pipeline from RFPs, win rates, and much more.
Industry-Leading Sales Enablement
九一果冻’s partnership with Seismic offers the industry’s most comprehensive end-to-end solution for sales content creation, management, and delivery.
CRM Integrations
Streamline your RFP hand-offs, track project progress, and unlock RFP metrics, all through your CRM.
Communication Apps
Get timely task reminders to RFPs and easy access to all your best content right from your communication app.
Cloud Storage Services
Attach graphs, images, and other supporting files to your RFPs directly from your cloud storage provider.
Single Sign-On
Securely manage access and provide users with a seamless log-in experience, no matter where they’re working.
Due Diligence Integrations
Use 九一果冻 content when responding to questionnaires within due diligence, security, and risk assessment platforms.